Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Brining Our Differences Together: Planning for all Learners

Image result for genius at work"You are a genius and the world needs your contribution"- Seth Goten

This quote is important when we start to think about how we are designing our lessons and units as an educator.

Doing the same thing all the time does not help every student in the class have a fair chance to succeed and learn the material. Picking content based off what I enjoy teaching doesn't help my students be successful after their time in my class either.  So how do we take this vague content area and make it applicable to all students?

As I start to explore this concept of planning units and lessons based off  students in my class I have the following questions:
Image result for unique
To my future students:

How do we want to share our new knowledge with others in and out of our class? How can we help show off what cool things we are doing?

To my mentor team:

How do we balance what our students have as interests and teaching that and the curriculum for an agricultural education program according to the Department of Education?

To my cooperating teacher:

When designing a unit what are some ways to gauge the students background knowledge in the content area to help me know what they know and do not know? 

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