Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Quest for Good Questions

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Sitting in class and listening to me go on and on about a topic is not as effective or fun for students or myself. As a teacher it is my job to engage students into the conversation that  are talking about in class. 

It is also my job to let them tell me what they want to learn about and adjust my content to their interests as best I can. After reading this week about creating good questions for students I still have some questions about questioning. 

 To my future students: 
Is it easier to share out an answer to a question after having talked with a peer?

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To my cooperating teacher:
How long do you wait after asking a question to rephrase it or provide an answer if no one knows?

To my cohort: 
How would you use the strategy Hot-seating: A pupil is placed in the ‘hot-seat’ to take several questions from the class and teacher" in your class? This seems like a ton of fun but, can be nerve wracking for some students. 

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