Thursday, December 12, 2019

Climbing My Way Through Arboriculture:Ag Mechanics Demo Lesson

Climbing for my final exam fall '18
Teaching a demonstration is different than any other method of teaching but, as an agriculture teacher it is an important skill. For this lesson I took skills from my favorite Penn State class and taught them to tie knots related to tree climbing. We learned how to tie a monkey fist and set our ropes in the tree.

What did I learn?
During this lesson I did not get the throws into the tree my first shot. I told my students that we can't get everything right all the time and I was going to try again. When I did I got it. I learned that being honest with students when you make mistakes is a powerful thing. It gains their respect and they were more willing to try it and make mistakes when they try it.

What would I change?
I would have students make sure they knew the steps by popcorning the steps back to me verbally. This way I can ensure all the students know the steps. I would also have the students who were watching one student do it mimic the steps with that student doing the demonstration.

Where would I apply a demonstration?
Climbing final fall '18
The lesson I did was for an applied arboriculture lesson but, a demonstration can be used in many classes. I would easily use it in a vet tech class with any of the practicals laid out by National FFA. I would use this in a plant science class with how to plant a seed or floral design with making arrangements. This pedagogical

skill can be adapted and used in several parts of my classroom.

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