Friday, January 31, 2020

Week 4: The Key to Success is...Confidence

If you knew me at the beginning of journey at Penn State one trait I never had was confidence. This was something that was apparent through high school, middle school and elementary school. Over the years I have struggled a ton with this characteristic until this week of student teaching.

What did I teach this week?
Introduction to Agricultural Science: This week I experimented with station rotations. I did one on FFA history/opportunities in the FFA and one on Pennsylvania agriculture. Overall the activities went well and I learned how to manage group work better. I took what I learned from the FFA activity and applied it to the Pennsylvania agriculture activity and it worked nicely.

New Horse in the barn:Maggie
Middle School Agriculture: 7th and 8th grade both were working on their final projects. I came up with a system to see how the groups were doing. This allowed me to conference with each group twice per class period. 8th grade finished early and now we are re-potting our plants. 7th grade finished up on the last day and got to share their presentations.

FFA Involvement: This week was Berks County Creed Speaking. I really enjoyed becoming familiar with how the different levels work in PA for FFA LDEs/CDEs work. Back home we have district and state. In Pennsylvania we have Chapter, County, Area, Regional and States for students to compete on. I also got to see Oley Valley's program. Mr.Serfass made sure I got to see how their program is set up and the differences between CW and Oley.

What did I learn this week?
Confidence: This week I really have noticed how my lectures have gotten better, my direction sets and responses to students has improved and this was because of confidence. I worked hard the past 3 weeks to try and know my students, establish a routine and because of that I gained their respect. With the students respecting me so well I was able to become more confident and comfortable in my classroom.

Timing is everything: My lessons have been right on time this week. I have 80 minute periods which is a long time. I have been adjusting my lessons as they go to adapt to the student needs, such as shortening or lengthening rotation times, as well as for the time of the lesson. For example, I thought I can teach resume and cover letters in 80 minutes. Turns out I couldn't so, I adjusted the time for the next days lesson to do cover letters and it worked out fine!

Regaining attention:  I struggle when all my students are talking in groups to pull them back in. This week I want to work on using the bell I have in my class as a signal to come back together.

Grouping: I want to be more intentional about how I group students.I am currently using a random grouping app but, there are several ways to group students. I just need to do it.

What system do you have to make sure daily chores for animals are completed?

How do you set up your CDE meetings? Do you do some practical and some textbook knowledge? Do you flip flop each practice? How do you hold students accountable to practice?


  1. Hi Amanda,

    Which CDEs are you coaching? When I was coaching CDE teams our practices consisted of a mix of the knowledge and skills portions. We would start practice by participating in a mock version of the ID/problem solving/math/knowledge exam, and would review our answers as a group. I would tell the students in advance what the topic of the practice would be and which part of their review packets they should study to prepare. After that, we would practice one different aspect of the practicum each week. The students would know about this in advance and would be held accountable for reviewing that section of the CDE handbook and knowing the steps for what they were supposed to do. We would use the 3 step demo process to practice the skill. Hope this helps!

  2. Tiffany,

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I am coaching Parli Pro. I definitely will take some of what you said into practice each week. I have created study guides for them and put them on the schoology group for them. I like the idea of labeling them per week! Thank you!

