Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Week 16: Goodbye to Conrad Weiser

When you are the first in your family to graduate high school entering college becomes a tad bit scarier than for some. You have to navigate everything on your own and never see the finish line because no one showed you that you can. So, when I embarked on my #TeachAg Journey so many years ago I never pictured the part where I actually student teach. Everything was classes, facilitating workshops, and theory. I never saw the part where I got to apply all the stuff I learned over the past 5 years in a classroom with real students but, here I am another semester later and I have completed my student teaching internship. 

When I started at Conrad Weiser in January I could not imagine all the valuable skills I would learn by the end of the semester. From working with students, planning assignments, how the school and district work, planning events and the list goes on I gained more than I could imagine.Everyone was right to say "trust the process" you learn more in the field.

My Big 3

Conrad Weiser FFA Jacket 
1. Be flexible: Just like us, students have a ton of things going on in their lives. Bending to a certain degree is really important. If I cannot show my students I am flexible then how can I expect them to be flexible with me? Flexibility also comes into play with other teachers, events and other activities in the school. I should want the students to be engaged with other activities of the school and encourage that instead of being a stickler on some work because they might be away. 

2. Engage with others: My program might be me as the sole agricultural teacher. I cannot do everything and need to be able to work with others in the building. In addition, I am not the only teacher my students interact with on a daily basis. It is better for everyone if I work with other teachers in the building to provide the best support to students. Colleagues in the building provide assistance in my class, to my students and working with them provides a great sense of community in the building. I should try at least once a year to co teacher with another teacher in the building. I saw while student teaching how Mr.Serfass connected the photography students into a FFA event we did to give them experience of filming an event. It is small connections like those that help create a stronger program and school community.

3.Change is good: I plan to actively seek professional development to help myself grow as an educator. We are always seeing new and emerging ideas in education. I need to be okay to step out of my comfort zone and try them. Something that Mr.Serfass tells his students with SAE is "The sky is the limit." I think that is one quote from him that will stick with me in my own class. There are obviously some barriers when trying to do things in my classroom but, I won't know till I try. There usually is a way to modify my ideas to get a similar outcome.

To Conrad Weiser
I never got to properly say goodbye to my students or the amazing faculty I got to work with during my time at Weiser. I got to experience so much with all of you because of your willingness to let me try new things even if you never did it yourself. You all welcomed me into your school, classroom and labs without hesitation and I appreciate it.
Myself with the Conrad Weiser FFA Chapter at
State Activities week June 2019
To next years cohort
Student teaching is not as scary as everyone makes it out to be. You are not expected to know everything there is to know about agriculture so, rely on your cooperating teacher and mentor team who has more in depth knowledge to help you along the way. You know more than you think you do about pedagogy and about agriculture so, trust yourself and try it. If it does not work right the first try it might the second. Students are pretty forgiving and will help you become a better teacher to so, don't forget to get their advice or input! It is their class you are teaching anyways. Above all try new things and enjoy the ride because it goes by quickly.

My experience as a student teacher at Conrad Weiser was incredible. I stepped far out of my comfort zone at times and tried new things. I also got some experience of teaching online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. I gained a ton of experience and got to work with a great group of individuals. I am beyond excited to now embark on my own journey of my first year teaching. 

Thank you to my cooperating teacher,Mr.Adam Serfass,for being an outstanding mentor to me this past year. I have learned so much from you this past year and cannot wait to apply what I have leaned to my own classroom.

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