Thursday, August 29, 2019

Plan The Ride;Ride The Plan: Reflecting on Central American Mottos Lesson

“Good Morning class, today we are going to learn about Central American countries and their mottos” is what ever class loves to hear at 8 am on a Wednesday. We started the lesson with a bell work to think about what countries were in Central America before getting up and finding the counties written on note cards around the room. We ended the lesson with creating passports of the counties and their mottos.

This engagement activity would have been a great activity to do if, I slowed down and made sure I had everything I needed before the lesson. For example, I only placed 6 of the 7 note cards around the room and completely lost Honduras. I also kept misplacing my answer key to the passport. Keeping this a tad bit more organized would have saved me so much trouble.

I also learned why a good lesson plan is important. I didn’t put any content in my lesson plan just the activities. If the countries and their mottos were in my lesson plan I could have had everything in one place instead of on 3 different pages. Having a weak lesson plan is like showing up to the horse show and knowing the jumping course but, my horse is at home. I know what I’m doing and how to do it but, I can’t do it. 

I am excited to continue to grow this semester in order to be the best educator that I can be. Reflecting back on each lesson will be a good way to track progress, grow and learn the art of teaching.


  1. I didn't even notice that you kept misplacing your answer key to the passport activity! You did a good job keeping your cool even if you did feel disorganized.

  2. I was super curious on what your lesson was going to look like compared to mine because we some how got the same prompt! I think its a super creative activity that you did! A suggestion that I have (Because I find myself misplacing things as well CONSTANTLY) is to lay it all out the night before and paperclip things together to lay out before the lesson! It works "sometimes" for me and I hope it will work with you too! Super cool lesson, your a rockstar!

  3. Jess, thank you for the organization tip! I need to get better at that for sure!
