Saturday, August 31, 2019

What Does Effective Teaching Look Like?

Teaching is more than sharing information from one person to another because if it was that simple then everyone would be a teacher. Teaching is about sharing that information in a way that is effective and connective to your students. After looking at the tip of the ice berg on effective teaching and how we decide what and how to teach I have thought of questions for the following people.
1. For my future students:
What motivated you to take my class and what will keep you motivated throughout the year? (i.e clear expectations, content, hands on activities)

2. For y cooperating teacher: 
What are some ways to get to know your students starting on that first day of school?

3. For my mentor team or cohort: 
What do you believe is the most important part of organizing subject matter? (i.e "The Why", clarity, sequencing or structure) 

Looking at effective teaching from several points of view helps create that need to keep learning how to be purposeful in what i am teaching and how I am teaching the content. This will be a concept that I look at over the next few weeks before I enter a classroom as well as the next few years as I start my career.  

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