Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 7: Jack of All Trades and a Master of One

This week was not a typical week at Conrad Weiser High School. Monday we had off, Tuesday I was visiting a peer of mine which left me Wednesday- Friday with my students.

Demonstrating bandaging to Current Topics in Agriculture
What did I teach?
Introduction to Agriculture: I had students working on a design a fertilizer project with Mr.Serfass on Tuesday while I was out. Wednesday and Thursday we spent working in the lab and greenhouse. Friday was SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Friday!

Current Topics in Agriculture: I had students working on a domestication project on Tuesday. On Wednesday we did a lab revolving around natural selection and Thursday-Friday we started the vet science unit.

Online Horse Evaluation Course: I have officially started an online horse judging class(New for Weiser) through ICEV. This class currently has 4 students in it and we are starting with basics of the equine industry!

What did I learn?
 This week was an eye opener to me. Up until now I worked with students in one main topic area, plant science. I sprinkled some animal science and professional skills into the mix but, this week I felt like I really had to become a jack of all trades.

Natural Selection Lab
Thursday I was in the wet lab doing fruit dissections with blocks 2 and 4. Block 3 I was in the classroom and animal lab working with vet science. Today in class for SAE Friday I was helping a student with his engine one minute, assisting with an animal behavior project the next and working with a student on a children's book for students about agriculture. Mix this all together with preparing to go to East and West Elementary Schools to teach about the dairy industry next week for National FFA Week, I was trying to become an expert in all these areas at once.

What I ultimately got out of this experience is I cannot help every student at once. I was very lucky to have Mr.Serfass to assist and troubleshoot questions to but, he will not always be here. So I am putting thoughts into how to improve this for the future. Part of this will come with practice. I will learn to allow students to look up information or write down questions without feeling the need to have an answer for them right now. Some of these questions will also be answered as I get my feet wet into different content areas of agriculture.

Goals for next week?
Next week is National FFA Week! I want to share my passion for FFA with the students in my class. We always talk about "opportunities" in FFA but, never give them the experience to want to learn more about those opportunities. I know in my block 4 class I have several students interested in animal nutrition. Maybe this is me putting together a lesson around the livestock judging CDE and having them experience a part of the contest. We do this with the middle schoolers and it has a huge success! I really want to find a way to connect the members in the chapter to FFA outside of the 4 walls of Weiser.

Questions I have?
Students working on their research for SAE Friday
What does your chapter do for National FFA Week? Do you use a class period to do any fun FFA activities?

How do you filter students to find answers on their own or at least help them become a bit independent with their SAE? I want to be there to answer questions as needed but, give them the space to sink a little to have to find the information for their projects.

When it comes to lab safety how do you have eyes on all your students at once? I plan to be more hands on in the lab in the coming weeks but, I cannot be everywhere at once!

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